Part one – The Subterfuge

Beagles love food….perhaps more than life itself. The stimulation of psychogenic pleasure centres in the brain go into overdrive if it is ill gotten food.

Poisonous substances cause no concern to the family beagle. The elation and sheer bliss of finding a bag of anything your owner insists you shouldn’t eat overwhelms the innate canine sense of survival in a nonsensical frenzy of mastication and salivary ecstasy.

So naughty. So crunchy. So yucky… determined…..yum yum yum….the joy is in the swallowing……feeling a bit weird but the fiesta must go on before the covert operation of ingestion is discovered…..hey mum I’m not feeling so good.

Part Two – The Terror

The sheer terror when mum finds the symptomatic beagle laying in the debris of nefarious consumption……The pity party of retrograde peristalsis and belly ache in a tremorgenic rave of dilated pupils and froth that would make a human paramedic retire….and it’s off to Treendale Pet Medical.

Part Three – The Assignment

So there was Dr Rob and Jasper all alone, late at night. Jasper was tremoring and drooling and starting to seizure. Jasper needed his stomach pumped and a colonic enema to remove as much of the poison as possible and intravenous fluids and activated charcoal.

And so the marathon treatment went on into the night as Dr Rob strived to save Jasper.

Part Four – The Outcome

The veterinarian succeeds all alone and long into another never ending night of sleep deprivation…..and the patient survives.

Dr Rob with all his experience did everything humanly possible to save Jasper but the veterinarian still says a prayer when they have done all they can do and a life is hanging in the balance.

Jasper survived his ingestible indiscretion and went home the next day to his loving and relieved family.

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