The Incident

Fungi can grow in soiled foods such as mouldy bread that may be found in bins or compost. Fungi also grow in garden mulch and lawn clippings for example. Dog’s will often eat these things because they are hungry and a bonus meal on top of their controlled daily intake is a pleasure centre experience for many of our canine companions.

Luna presented with dilated pupils and tremors which were rapidly progressing to seizures. This is a common presentation for metaldehyde toxicity but Luna’s owners do not use snail bait so we went in search of another cause. Luna vomited up brown semi digested material. She had ingested something containing mycotoxins. This may have been spoiled foods or garden mulch.

The Assignment

In animals, symptoms include ataxia, tremors and severe muscle fasciculations. Larger doses may cause seizures, massive liver necrosis and death. Dr Rob had to get as much poison out of her system as quickly as possible and prevent more being absorbed.

It was also important to control the seizures and the tremors and keep her alive while we flushed the toxins from her system.

The Outcome

Luna was placed onto intravenous fluids and Dr Rob started an intravenous propofol CRI to control her seizures and tremors. Luna was given an enema to remove as much of the poison as possible and activated charcoal to help prevent any further ingestion.

Dr Rob sat by Luna’s side for many hours monitoring her vitals and keeping her alive while we flushed the toxins from her system. Luna made a full recovery.

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