After hours veterinary care
Sophie had been very sick that day and getting worse through the afternoon. Luckily Treendale Pet medical is open until 8pm at night. Her mum brought her in to see us.
Jenna’s mum and dad had noticed that her tummy was suddenly huge. It seemed over the last few days that Jenna’s tummy was really big.
Bumper had been vomiting all day and seemed to be getting worse rather than better. It is not unusual for a Labrador to get an upset tummy so her loving family didn’t think too much of it initially…
There is a rule of thumb in the veterinary industry that if the dog has stopped breathing, they are going to be pretty hard to save. Dr Rob was very worried.
Mum had noticed a few drips of blood around the house but assumes one of her girls was on heat so didn’t think much of it.
In order to win a night in hospital on an IV the Labrador must ingest the equivalent of a nine litre bucket of sand that is tainted with beef fat from the barbecue.
Social distancing is easy for pets and people in our spacious waiting areas.